Diana Gariany Μαρία
Diana is Libyan. She was educated in England and speaks fluent English. Her mother is Greek with left wing views; her father a Berber businessman. She’s therefore someone with roots in both Europe and Africa, exposed to left and right-wing influences during her life. A cosmopolitan who speaks five languages, Diana has spent much of her life in Libya but has also lived in various European nations.
In the 1980s, when General Qaddafi’s polices veered to the left and nationalization of the economy became widespread, her father’s business was severely affected. So Diana’s own background is not what one might expect of someone who now is speaking up passionately against the NATO assault on Libya.
I asked her a few questions by email. Her responses are below. Unlike Diana, I’m not multilingual – but my written English is that of a native speaker. So I ‘tidied up’ Diana’s email to make it slightly less colloquial and easier to read. Nevertheless, the content is hers and the text below has Diana’s approval.
Diana Gariany is available for interviews if journalists wish to follow up on her story ((contact me) I’ll pass on messages – or contact her directly via Twitter dmgariany @ Unfortunately, most mainstream western journalists seem interested only in hearing from anti-Qaddafi Libyans. So it is that westerners continue to get a one-sided picture of Libya which helps support the case for NATO bombing.
Here’s another side to the story…
In the 1980s, when General Qaddafi’s polices veered to the left and nationalization of the economy became widespread, her father’s business was severely affected. So Diana’s own background is not what one might expect of someone who now is speaking up passionately against the NATO assault on Libya.
I asked her a few questions by email. Her responses are below. Unlike Diana, I’m not multilingual – but my written English is that of a native speaker. So I ‘tidied up’ Diana’s email to make it slightly less colloquial and easier to read. Nevertheless, the content is hers and the text below has Diana’s approval.
Diana Gariany is available for interviews if journalists wish to follow up on her story ((contact me) I’ll pass on messages – or contact her directly via Twitter dmgariany @ Unfortunately, most mainstream western journalists seem interested only in hearing from anti-Qaddafi Libyans. So it is that westerners continue to get a one-sided picture of Libya which helps support the case for NATO bombing.
Here’s another side to the story…